
Hi there, I am Elvis Theyo.

I am a final-year student pursuing Integrated Bachelor & Master of Technology in Information Technology at the Indian Institute of Information Technology, Gwalior.

Recently, I worked as a Research Intern at the Collective Intelligence Systems (CIS) Group at Siemens. I am currently working on my Master Thesis which focuses on Low-Resource Neural Machine Translation for English-Nagamese.

I have a keen interest in data-driven problem solving and my primary area of interest lies in Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing.

Previously, I worked as a Data Science Intern at a startup called Katonic.ai that provides a Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) Platform to develop, deploy, monitor, and manage machine learning models. I also have prior research experience as a Research Intern at the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur where I worked on the diagnosis of mental workload using electrocardiogram (ECG) signals and Deep Learning. In the past, I have also worked as a Machine Learning Intern at Feynn Labs.

During my leisure time, I enjoy reading books, watching movies, learning new things & playing basketball.


© 2023 Elvis Theyo